As part of the church's world-wide day of service our branch cleaned up the Ferando beach in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. It is a beautiful beach, but had a lot of trash on it, bottles, plastic bags, etc. There were a lot of dead fish on the beach as well. We had a perfect day for the activity. We had hotdogs after we finished cleaning the beach. The young men played north American football, the kids played in the sand, and the adults sat and talked. It was our best branch activity to date. It created a real feeling of fellowship that was still being felt on Sunday. It brought the branch much closer together. It created a good memory for everyone involved.

These are some of the members of the branch waiting to go to the Ferando beach for our service project. Alejandro Chineppe is in the red cap. He is the workhorse of the branch. He is the Elders Quorum president, and is the one that gets everything done. We ended up with 50 people or more at the beach. It was a perfect day, and we had a great time.

The young men playing North American football. They really took to the game. Some of them were very good as well. The young man in the dark blue at the right of the picture is a natural. He is fast as lightning, and has great moves. He loved the game. The water in the background in the Rio de la Plata, the widest river in the world.

This gives you an idea about the dead fish we had to pick up. There was a line of dead fish along the high water mark of the entire beach. Many of the fish were this size. We have no idea what killed them, but it was effective whatever it was. We were going to take some fun pictures with them, but they smelled so bad nobody could stand it long enough to get good shots. Sister Chineppe is holding the bag, had Jairo Geddes in the blue shirt and his friend are loading the fish.

A picture of the people from the branch. Quite a few people had gone home by the time we took this picture, but it is a good representation of the people in the branch. Everyone had a great time.

CoyAnn and Bill at the Ferando beach. We had finished the cleanup project, and CoyAnn had gotten everyone fed, so we had some time to relax and take pictures. Life is tough in the mission field. A beautiful beach on a perfect day with good friends, good activity and good food.

This view is looking west on the Ferrando beach. It is getting to be evening. This picture and the next give you an idea of the size of the beach we cleaned up. It was a great activity and a perfect day.

This is looking east on the Ferrando beach in Colonia. Just everyone in the picture is from our branch. There are some sunbathers in the background who are not.
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