Typical horse carts. They use them for all kinds of hauling. There is an entire sub-culture associated with the carts in Uruguay. They are slowly being phased out, but not without a struggle. There are thousands of them in Montevideo. They use them to haul garbage, building supplies, etc. It is all informal, but they provide an important service. These carts have solid axels. Many have a differential. Many times they use the rear end from a car, and mount the cart on it.

Missionary ingenuity. The faucet leaked badly unless pressure was maintained on it, so ...... It is difficult to shave in the morning, because everything has to be dismantled.

Mom at the gate of San Ramon, a large estancia between Paysandu and Salto. It is a beautiful ranch. We have no idea how big it is, but there are no other houses for miles.

Mom and the Howletts in front of the great bull at Paso de los Toros.
Mom and I standing in front of the statue of Artigas in Montevideo. This is the old section of town, and is quite nice.

This fancy urn holds the ashes of Artigas. It is in a small museum below the statue of Artigas. It is well done. The ashes are guared by two soldiers who don't move a muscle.