It has been some time since we have posted pictures, so we decided to do it this evening. The pictures show the chapel in Nueva Helvecia or as some call it Colonia Suiza. We are posting them because bishop Warren Lewis served part of his mission there. He will be amazed at what his work has wrought. The older couple in one of the pictures are the Howletts from Delta, Utah. They are in our district, but serving in Carmelo, which is about 50 miles west of us.
The other pictures are of Anchorena, which is a national park, and where the president of Uruguay has his retreat, similar to Camp David. President Bush will visit here in a week or so, and this is where he will meet with the president of Uruguay. Thought you might be interested. The tower is sort of the landmark of Anchorena. One picture is a view from the top, as you have probably guessed. The picture of the tree is interesting, because the tree is beautiful from a distance, but when you get close you see that it is covered with spines. They are like Hershey's candy kisses, only hard and sharp! The young people in the pictures are from a school somewhere nearby. They are wearing their typical school smocks, a white smock with a bow tie of some color. They wear them over their street clothes.
We will try and post some more pictures next week.